Harnessing the Harassment of Human Fears di Mark L. Graham edito da Westbow Press
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Harnessing the Harassment of Human Fears

Tactical Tales/Timeless Truths





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Descrizione Harnessing the Harassment of Human Fears

Are you weighed down by oppressing phobias? You can harness your fears with the tactical help of timeless truths. In this guide, author Mark L. Graham explores his lifelong struggle with various fears in an effort to help others find hope, comfort, and godly wisdom. He seeks to help you change the way you approach irrational fears. By looking to the Bible for guidance and exercising faith in Jesus Christ, you can: understand your weaknesses and vulnerabilities; fend off fears that have no basis in reality; and harness legitimate fears to achieve great things. With surprising candor, Graham shares the fears he has faced as an athlete, pastor, and person. Step by step, he shares faith-based strategies and proven steps to overcome the fears that hold you back the most. Instead of trying to eliminate fears with a chemical fix, mood-altering drug, or caffeine high, it's time to do what God intended you to do: master your fears at every turn, time and time again. By doing so, you'll move closer to the Lord as you start Harnessing the Harassment of Human Fears.

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