Harmonic Twang di Logical Poetist edito da Righteous Road Publishing House
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Harmonic Twang

A Determined Poet's Stairwell to Faith





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Descrizione Harmonic Twang

Never-before-published poems and musings from the Logicalpoetist's private journals. When her work debuted ("Najai's Cup of Cocoa") in The Providence Times in 2000, it was clear that she was an immense talent; a logical poetist with a masterful artistry to share with the world. She spoke to the minds of single moms, male and female youth, and their responsibility as young people to those who preceded and laid the path for their successes to the significance of a relationship to GOD! She is the logic between fact and fiction - writer - philosopher - actress - comedian - entrepreneur. But it's the wisdom and emotional power of her poems and musings that reveal the warmth and dignity in her writing. Harmonic Twang is an intimate look at a masterful, creative, and intriguing woman - self-confident, sensuous, searching, and inspiring. This is her attempt to offer guidance, support, love and encouragement to those looking to make their world better.

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