Hard, Fast and Slippery di Lacy McCall edito da iUniverse
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Hard, Fast and Slippery

Adventures Of Rowdy Turnipseed







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Descrizione Hard, Fast and Slippery

Take one good ol' country boy--trying his best to do right--toss in good-looking women along with a few crooks and what you get is another scrape for Rowdy Turnipseed. When he encounters two women in a nipple-pink Trans Am, his big red pick-up and his life take a right turn. He's infatuated by the woman who calls herself Yellow Feather but he can't pursue his new love because his missing cargo turns out to be a dead body and he's suspect number one. Rowdy's chased by Miami druggies, the cops and finally half-Indian FBI agent 'Cottonmouth' Cannon, a renegade for sure. To extricate himself, Rowdy tries fortune-telling, voodoo, soothsaying, country dancin' and beer drinking, all while on the run and coached by Truth, the little man who's always around reminding Rowdy right from wrong. Finally, Rowdy's old pal and former circus performer, Sooner Boone, helps pull a fast one on the crooks and cops. Rowdy survives again, but as usual, the most pressing question is: who gets the girl?

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