Happy Never After? di Dai Lewis edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Happy Never After?

A Doomed Flirtation With Alternative Therapies In A Quest To Mend A Broken Heart





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Descrizione Happy Never After?

Harry had been a happy-go-lucky member of the human race until his girlfriend of two years decided she preferred the company of her own gender. Since then his life had become a downward spiral of misery and self-pity. His best friend Paulie had been as supportive as any male can be, but he too was beginning to drown in Harry's woes, as were the rest of their group. Together with his twin sister Sarah, Paulie was determined to get Harry 'back on the horse' and find a girl. They knew that if that endeavour was to have any chance of success, he would need to recover his happier self. Thus began Harry's quest to trawl through some of the myriad alternative therapies in a desperate attempt to 'pull himself together'. Unfortunately for Harry, 'Murphy's law' was a reality and anything that could go wrong, did, usually in the most unlikely and worst possible ways. The adage 'There's always someone worse off than you' is true and in the world of alternative therapy that person is Harry. Throughout this rather painful journey of self-discovery, his awareness of deepening feelings for Sarah slowly develops. Join Harry through the trials and tribulations of his journey to enlightenment and hopefully love. This is his story.

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