Happy Daze with Tommy and the Rivieras di Tommy Janette edito da iUniverse
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Happy Daze with Tommy and the Rivieras

1960s Rock And Roll







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Descrizione Happy Daze with Tommy and the Rivieras

In 1963, author Tommy Janette and his West Haven, Connecticut, neighborhood buddies were looking for something do, and that something was starting a band and playing music. He had no idea what the future would hold for this group that originally was formed to impress the girls. In Happy Daze with Tommy and the Rivieras, Janette narrates the band's more than twenty-year history. It follows Tommy and the Rivieras through the years they opened for and worked with the Coasters, the Temptations, the Beach Boys, and many others. This memoir tells the true story about Jim Morrison's arrest, as Janette was the complainant in 1967 when the group opened for the Doors at the New Haven Arena. Sharing an eventful journey, with plenty of quirky moments, Happy Daze with Tommy and the Rivieras goes backstage and offers insights and stories about the venues they played, the records they recorded, and some of stars Tommy and the Rivieras worked with and the stories about them.

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