Happiness is a State of Mind di Rolley Hurley edito da Lulu.com
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Happiness is a State of Mind







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Descrizione Happiness is a State of Mind

Unleash your potential. Everyone controls their own destiny; it is a universal law that governs this. Understanding the principle elements that lie behind every circumstance and event in one's life, can make a difference toward succeeding or not, and anyone can grasp this awareness! How we perceive any given situation does matter. Our attitude is always more important than the fact. This book can help identify the capability we all have within us for developing such insight. Reading this book will open your mind up to the power you already possess, and can help enable a more conscious and deeper understanding of yourself. This book is meant to enhance your awareness of why your thinking is so vital to the world you view. You can learn to utilize the power you already possess and change your life for the better, or you can ignore the only real force we have, and wonder why it is so. This book was written only for those who want harmony and happiness in their lives.

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