Handgun Training for Personal Protection: How to Choose & Use the Best Sights, Lights, Lasers & Ammunition di Richard Allen Mann edito da GUN DIGEST BOOKS
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Handgun Training for Personal Protection: How to Choose & Use the Best Sights, Lights, Lasers & Ammunition

How To Choose And Use The Best Sights, Lights, Lasers And Ammunition





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Descrizione Handgun Training for Personal Protection: How to Choose & Use the Best Sights, Lights, Lasers & Ammunition

Handgun Training for Personal Protection is the definitive guide for selecting and training with lights, sights, lasers and ammunition for the modern defensive handgun. Author Richard Mann helps you understand how to properly outfit a handgun to optimize its defensive potential. Perhaps even more importantly, he describes how to train with this optimized handgun in order to have the best chance of survival in a lethal encounter.Handgun Training for Personal Protection will help you:Understand how lasers, lights and sights are valuable in a defensive situation.Learn techniques for training with lasers, lights and sights that develop and reinforce effective use of the handgun in a defensive situation.Learn how lasers, lights, sights and ammunition work.Learn about available equipment options.This volume is the essential laser, light and ammunition defensive handgun training manual for anyone who owns a handgun.

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