Handbook of Dentistry edito da HAYLE MEDICAL
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Handbook of Dentistry





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Descrizione Handbook of Dentistry

The medical domain of dentistry concerns the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases and disorders. Most dental procedures involve endodontic, orthodontic, periodontic, prosthodontic, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. The treatment of dental disorders often requires cleaning and examination. Various dental tools and instruments are used for examining, restoring, extracting teeth and manipulating tissues. These include dental probes, retractors, drill, dental laser, dental torque wrench, periodontal scalers, dental forceps, etc. Specially fabricated materials called dental materials are used in dentistry such as dental restorations, endodontic materials, prosthetic materials and dental implants, besides others. Dental restorative materials are used for cosmetic enhancement, or as a replacement for tooth structure loss, arising due to dental trauma, tooth wear and dental caries. For painful procedures, anesthetics are injected into the alveolar nerves for blocking sensory transmission. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of dentistry, which will be crucial for the progress of this field in the future. The topics included in this book are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. It includes contributions of experts and scientists, which will provide innovative insights into this field.

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