Halloween Horrors and Frights! Part 5 Advanced Adult Coloring Book edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Halloween Horrors and Frights! Part 5 Advanced Adult Coloring Book





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Descrizione Halloween Horrors and Frights! Part 5 Advanced Adult Coloring Book

With fifty new designs, Halloween Horrors & Frights part FIVE is an advanced adult coloring book is not for the feint of heart! This is not for kids either! Featuring zombies, skulls, ghouls, and more! The gore factor is upped in this impressive collection of horrific Halloween designs. Whether you simply like things a little darker or you're looking forward to the haunting season - this book is for you! Each design is printed on its own 70 lb. weight page, allowing for the use of a variety of bleed-through media as long as the page beneath is protected. Use markers, paints, watercolors - whichever! Let your imagination take you wherever it wants to go! Just beware - with this book - it very well could take you to some spooky places! Remove and display for some truly haunted art or use to tell a spooky ghost story!

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