Hagenberg Research di Michael Affenzeller, Andreas Beham, Bruno Buchberger, Christina Buttinger, Wolfgang Beer, Peter Brandl edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Hagenberg Research





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BrunoBuchberger This book is a synopsis of basic and applied research done at the various re search institutions of the Softwarepark Hagenberg in Austria. Starting with 15 coworkers in my Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), I initiated the Softwarepark Hagenberg in 1987 on request of the Upper Aus trian Government with the objective of creating a scienti?c, technological, and economic impulse for the region and the international community. In the meantime, in a joint e?ort, the Softwarepark Hagenberg has grown to the current (2009) size of over 1000 R&D employees and 1300 students in six research institutions, 40 companies and 20 academic study programs on the bachelor, master's and PhD level. The goal of the Softwarepark Hagenberg is innovation of economy in one of the most important current technologies: software. It is the message of this book that this can only be achieved and guaranteed long term by "watering the root", namely emphasis on research, both basic and applied. In this book, we summarize what has been achieved in terms of research in the various research institutions in the Softwarepark Hagenberg and what research vision we have for the imminent future. When I founded the Softwarepark Hagenberg, in addition to the "watering the root" principle, I had the vision that such a technology park can only prosper if we realize the "magic triangle", i.e. the close interaction of research, academic education, and business applications at one site, see Figure 1.

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