The Guide to Management For Laboratory Leaders edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Guide to Management For Laboratory Leaders

Principles Of Management In The Field Of Diagnostics.





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Descrizione The Guide to Management For Laboratory Leaders

Quality, sustainability and leadership depict the success of every laboratory and lie at the heart of a competent laboratory manager who can function in a complex and dynamic business environment. The competent laboratory manager must be able to lead and function optimally in this complex and dynamic business environment. Changing technologies and shifting trends in healthcare present several challenges that must be overcome with constrained resources. Herein lies the value of astute laboratory management skills. In earlier times, laboratories operated as isolated technical units or departments. Over the past 20 years, an evolution of these separate units into integrated systems of broader healthcare providers has led to a need for understanding and successfully applying business and financial knowledge, management and leadership skills as well as marketing acumen. To excel in the current laboratory environment, managers would need to combine these more recent elements with the older pre-requisites of technical competence, expertise and knowledge. The Guide to Management for Laboratory Leaders is the ultimate guide to managing the complex laboratory. Focused on crucial aspects, such as human resource management, leadership, process and operations management, budget and revenue management, quality management and much more, this handbook is the requisite instrument for the laboratory manager's toolbox.

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