A Guide to Making a Leather Belt - A Collection of Historical Articles on Designs and Methods for Making Belts di Various edito da Read Books
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A Guide to Making a Leather Belt - A Collection of Historical Articles on Designs and Methods for Making Belts


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This vintage handbook offers insights into the fundamental practice of leathercraft, with a special focus on the leather belt. This early collection on leather craft includes articles that would be both expensive and hard to find. It contains easy to follow instructions on making leather belts, and of the designs and techniques involved. Contents include: Leather Crafting - Belts - Fundamentals of Leathercraft - How to Make Braided and Link Belts - Link Belt. Extensively illustrated with photographs and instructional diagrams, it is suited to the leatherwork novice and enthusiast alike, with many details still of practical use today. We are republishing this rare work in a high quality, modern and affordable edition, featuring reproductions of the original artwork and a newly written introduction.

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