Growth Mindset Workbook for Adults: Build Confidence, Overcome Challenges, and Achieve Your Goals di Michaela Renee Johnson edito da ROCKRIDGE PR
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Growth Mindset Workbook for Adults: Build Confidence, Overcome Challenges, and Achieve Your Goals

Build Confidence, Overcome Challenges, and Achieve Your Goals







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Descrizione Growth Mindset Workbook for Adults: Build Confidence, Overcome Challenges, and Achieve Your Goals

Embrace a growth mindset and unlock your full potential A growth mindset means believing that your intelligence and abilities can always improve, and you can learn to do almost anything. This workbook shows you how to make growth your default mindset through writing prompts, exercises, and practices that encourage you to feel confident, take on new challenges, and achieve your goals. A wide variety of activities—Explore all 7 aspects of mindset with exercises such as identifying your limiting beliefs, calming your mind with yoga, and turning negative thoughts into positive ones. Written by an expert—Dive into practices created by a licensed psychotherapist to help you understand your current mindset and refocus it on growth. The power of a growth mindset—Read inspiring stories from people who used the techniques in this book to achieve success. Get the Growth Mindset Workbook for Adults and discover what you can achieve with curiosity and optimism.

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