Growing up with Technology di Maria Hatzigianni edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Growing up with Technology

Young children's computer use and their self- esteem





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Descrizione Growing up with Technology

Children¿s fascination with computers and simultaneously the lack of empirical research around the connections of computer use with young children¿s emotional and self-development is the focus of this book. A quasi-experimental study, aimed at investigating young children¿s computer use in association with their self-esteem is discussed. Tests with 52 children (4-6 years old), questionnaires with parents, interviews with teachers, and the seven month intervention are presented in detail. Results revealed significant increases of self-esteem for children in the intervention group. Positive attitudes towards young children¿s computer use by all participants were identified. Additionally, young children appeared to have accurately assessed their self-esteem when their assessments were compared with those completed by teachers and parents. The findings suggest that when computers are used in an integrated, developmentally appropriate way, there are positive relationships with children¿s self-esteem. Implications and recommendations for early childhood policy makers, researchers, teachers and parents are also identified.

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