The Green Teas Cave di John F. Morken edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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The Green Teas Cave





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Descrizione The Green Teas Cave

Conrad Olsen is the son of a once famous San Francisco trial attorney who takes on the representation of Leo and Siri Dubrovsky after their unique home is red-tagged by county inspectors for building without permits. This seemingly innocuous problem soon unravels into a race against time when Conrad discovers dangerous secrets about his clients and the century old Cave located on their Property-Shangri La. Conrad's once comfortable world of power and privilege rapidly starts to fall apart the more he uncovers and learns about his client's past and their secrets. The deeper his involvement with his new clients, the more dangerous the case becomes. Attorney Conrad Olsen must overcome tragedy and personal loss while he struggles with his own inner demons, love sickness, secrets and transparent success. Ultimately, Conrad's own redemption depends upon the personal choices he has made and whether they have become unfixable or just another problem he was raised to solve.

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