Green Productivity: Applications In Malaysia's manufacturing di Elsadig Musa Ahmed edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Green Productivity: Applications In Malaysia's manufacturing

Applications In Malaysia's Manufacturing





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Descrizione Green Productivity: Applications In Malaysia's manufacturing

Productivity analysis is currently one of the major research areas in economics. A greater concern would be the long-term sustainable growth in productivity. This growth depends on several factors, such as the quantitative expansion of physical capital per worker, and total factor productivity growth, which measures improvement in qualitative aspects of labour and capital inputs, and the efficiency with which these inputs work together. The concept of Green Productivity is drawn from the integration of two important developmental strategies viz. productivity improvement and environmental protection. Productivity provides the framework for continuous improvement while environmental protection provides the foundation for sustainable development. Therefore, Green Productivity is a strategy for enhancing productivity and environmental performance for overall socio-economic development. This book is intended to be an empirical research attempt to extend productivity measure by taking into account pollutant emissions into production function as un-priced inputs, which have been ignored in most previous studies.

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