The Great Emergence di Phyllis Tickle edito da Baker Publishing Group
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The Great Emergence

How Christianity Is Changing and Why





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Descrizione The Great Emergence

Every five hundred years, the Church cleans out its attic and has a giant rummage sale. Well, not exactly. But according to internationally renowned religion expert Phyllis Tickle, this is an accurate summary of the Church's massive transitions over time. According to the pattern, we are living in such a time of change right now. Tickle calls it "the Great Emergence"--a time of dizzying upheaval and hopeful promise during which various sectors of today's church swirl into a great confluence at the center."Phyllis Tickle offers a creative and provocative overview of multiple social and cultural changes in our era, their relation to previous major paradigm shifts, and their particular impact on North American Christianity. This is an immensely important contribution to the current conversation about new and emerging forms of Christianity in a postmodern environment--and a delight to read!"--The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church"One thing I've learned to appreciate as I've grown older is big theories--and that is what Phyllis gives us. Within a few pages you'll be wondering if she's onto something. If she is, then we're in the eye of a storm."--Scot McKnight, professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary"Once in a great while, a book comes along and makes things make sense. With understated humility, The Great Emergence unpacks the chaos of contemporary cultural upheaval and the religious consequences of the changes we now face. After reading these pages, neither the church nor the world looks the same."--Diana Butler Bass, author, Christianity for the Rest of Us

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