Gray Heron di John Wilde edito da Bluewater Publishing
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Gray Heron





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Descrizione Gray Heron

Who is the Gray Heron? To Leroy Overstreet, he is an old friend. Throughout his life, Leroy has always craved a life of adventure. He has a constant need for movement, and during periods of stagnation, he struggles against the depression that inevitably seeps in. As he approaches retirement, Leroy resolves himself to settling down to a quieter way of life while helping his niece raise her two children, Lela and Rye. What he is not prepared for, however, is how the adventures in their young lives will affect his own. The waters of life move quickly, children become adults, and memories linger to cause aches for what once was. All the while, the Gray Heron is never far away, always returning to the creek behind Leroy's house. The bird is a constant and comforting presence for him as he struggles through cycles of despair and hope, and it acts as a reminder that there's a spirit guide in all of us.

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