The Grave of Victors di Richard Martins edito da New Generation Publishing
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The Grave of Victors

Poetry, Prose, Arrogance And Power





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Descrizione The Grave of Victors

After our recent rush to war in the Middle East, and its chilling aftermath, nothing could be more timely than the message of this book. Addressing the problems of the 'will to power', as Nietzsche put it, and the pseudo-Caesar complex, the author decries the whole nexus of man's greed, his lust for domination, and the array of weapons he uses to achieve his goals. In his own prose and poetry, and quoting writers as diverse as Karl Jaspers and Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Richard Martins denounces war as ' the Absolute Lie'. He asks the vital question - 'Who wins?' - and points cogently to the steps we should take towards responsibility and a sound future. This is a compendium for our time, of our time, and has profound significance for us all.

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