Grandmother's Dolls di Maurine Negron edito da iUniverse
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Grandmother's Dolls

A Secret Revealed







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Descrizione Grandmother's Dolls

Shannon watched as Grandmother walked into the kitchen. Once she was out of sight, Shannon jumped up, grabbed the doll, sat back in the chair, took a deep breath and squeezed the doll real hard, twice. Shannon felt like she was being shot out of a cannon and before she could even blink her eyes she was standing on a cobblestone street in well, she really didn't know where, but it definitely wasn't anywhere she had ever seen before. Shannon loves to spend time with her grandmother-after all, her grandmother always has wonderful stories to tell about the places she's been and people she's met. When Grandmother starts to tell her about a doll collection that has been passed down from one generation to the next, Shannon is once again fascinated. When Grandmother finishes her story, she figures that Shannon will disregard everything she's said about the dolls-including their magical secret. But the minute she steps out of the room, Shannon tests the story for herself. Shannon is instantly transported to a strange world-as if she has actually become the doll in the story. Wherever the magic takes her, she won't know what will happen or how long it will last, but one thing is certain-it will be an adventure she'll never forget!

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