Grandma And Grandpa's Wisdom For A Healthy And Prosperous Life di Baker Jon Baker edito da Outskirts Press
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Grandma And Grandpa's Wisdom For A Healthy And Prosperous Life





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Descrizione Grandma And Grandpa's Wisdom For A Healthy And Prosperous Life

Jon Baker and his three siblings were raised by a single mother. Theirs was a life of county programs, food stamps, and trailer parks until Jon was lucky enough to move in with his grandparents at age 13. His guidance counselor advised him that he was unlikely to amount to more than an hourly factory worker, if he didn't end up in jail, but with his grandmother's unconditional love and his grandfather's firm direction, Jon went on to college and then graduate school. Grandma and Grandpa's Wisdom for a Healthy and Prosperous Life compiles the simple lessons Jon learned from his grandparents and brings the reader back to the basics to show how to: • Reexamine the simplicity of what you already know about life and success and apply it; • Improve your mind and body in order to flourish; • Assess how and when to sit back and listen before acting; • Achieve your goals; and • Create freedom in your life!

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