Grace: The Power to Change di James B. Richards edito da WHITAKER HOUSE
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Grace: The Power to Change

The Power To Change





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Descrizione Grace: The Power to Change

There are many things that we all believe yet do not experience. We all want victory, yet few find it. One of our greatest frustrations is that much of what we believe really doesn't work. Too often we spend our lives struggling with the same issues. The feeling of defeat can be agonizing.It is as if we are caught in a maze of formulas and rules. We know there's something missing, but we're not sure what. In our search for truth, we lose our way among the dos and don'ts of religion. Christians everywhere have been missing the truth about grace--and the result is defeat and frustration.In this life-changing book, Dr. James Richards unfolds the mystery of grace. You will find the power to overcome instead of repeatedly seeking forgiveness. You will conquer personal issues instead of enduring them. You will discover God's power of effortless change instead of your best effort to change. This reality will transform everything you are experiencing with God.Grace: The Power to Change will bring you into the dimension of Christian living that Jesus called "easy and light." This is a must-read for every believer!

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