Grace and Box di Kimberly Howard edito da FEIWEL & FRIENDS
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Grace and Box





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Descrizione Grace and Box

A little girl and a refrigerator box go on many adventures as they imagine all the things they can be in this debut picture book from Kim Howard and Megan Lotter, Grace and Box...Grace and Box have become fast friends. Box delivered a refrigerator earlier in the week and by the end of it, Grace and Box had already been to space, gone camping, and explored the depths of the sea together.But on Sunday, Grace notices something's wrong with her buddy. Box has some rips and crumples that Band-Aids, ice packs, and rest on the couch can't seem to heal. Grace certainly doesn't want these adventures to end, so she is determined to fix Box so that they can continue their play together!A universal friendship (child and box) has come alive in this imaginative and humorous picture book. The depths of friendships run deep with children, even if they're just boxes to us!

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