Gotcha Covered! More Nonfiction Booktalks to Get Kids Excited about Reading di Kathleen Baxter, Michael Dahl edito da Libraries Unlimited
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Gotcha Covered! More Nonfiction Booktalks to Get Kids Excited about Reading

More Nonfiction Booktalks To Get Kids Excited About Reading





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Descrizione Gotcha Covered! More Nonfiction Booktalks to Get Kids Excited about Reading

Gotcha Covered! is a third book by popular presenter and former public librarian Kathy Baxter. Michael Dahl, children's author, adds his expertise as coauthor of the volume. Over 300 all new nonfiction booktalks for children K-8 are presented in the same enthusiastic tone as the first two successful books. The books make it easy for you to find the best in children's nonfiction books and offers concrete ideas for presenting them. Booktalks are organized according to topics popular to young readers, making it easy to search for titles that correlate to curriculum areas, topics, and units of study. It also includes tips on booktalking and a bibliography for collection development. Grade levels for books are cited. .

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