Going Solo di Eva Rottenanger edito da Xlibris AU
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Going Solo

A Travel Memoir in Search of Meaning, Belonging and Identity


Xlibris AU





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Descrizione Going Solo

Going Solo is an evocative armchair journey around the world aimed at inspiring confidence and courage, not only in travel but in self-exploration, that will have readers itching to hit the road. The author combines an up-close-and-personal experience of the joys and realities of day-to-day travel with insightful observations on expatriate living and the immigrant experience. By inviting a deeper contemplation of the social, historical and spiritual similarities and contrasts discovered along the way, the memoir shows how every outward journey can be a platform towards a truer, more intentional version of ourselves as our old beliefs and priorities are challenged. Contact with unfamiliar environments adds meaning to life by helping us define our values and our place in the world. The memoir concludes with meditations on questions raised and offers travel tips for newbies to help them on their way.

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