Going Down River Road di Meja Mwangi edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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Going Down River Road





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Libro Going Down River Road di Meja Mwangi

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After an exhausting day of hard labour, Ben finds oblivion in the seedy bars and clubs of River Road - anything to leave his cockroach-infested rooms and ignore the reality of living paycheck to paycheck. At times, it's difficult to remember that it wasn't always this way. Somehow, he went from a promising career as a soldier to a disgraceful dismissal and a steady decline into poverty. Now the only thing Ben has left to lose is hope. Writing with colourful realism, Meja Mwangi paints an unforgettable depiction of life in Nairobi's slums - drawing attention to the hardships of the working poor and their disillusion with uncaring politicians. '[Mwangi is] among the leading Kenyan writers.' New York Times 'Riveting.' Guardian 'The finest African novel ever.' Professor Ibrahim Bello Kano

€ 18,05 € 19,00
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Normalmente disponibile in 5-6 giorni lavorativi
Consegna a € 2,90 3-5 marzo
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