God! The Realities of the Creator di William Moreira (Canno) edito da iUniverse
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God! The Realities of the Creator







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Descrizione God! The Realities of the Creator

On December 11, 2009, Author William Moreira embarked upon a South American cruise aboard the Costa Concordia. In the wee hours of that first sleepless night, as the cruiser steamed for its first port of call, he decided to take a stroll along the ship's top deck. There was no moon, and the dark ocean and sky met and fused into one. The only demarcation between heaven and hell was the glistening light of the infinite galaxies and stars. Suddenly, filled with an incredible feeling of inspiration, Moreira put pen to paper, words exploding onto the page. He wrote and wrote, not stopping until a burst of morning sunshine climbed over the horizon to announce the arrival of a new day of God's great creation. Over the course of seven similar nights, God! The Realities of the Creator was born. This labor of love, inspired by the great canvas known as the universe, explores the deep theological and philosophical questions that reside deep within our hearts: Who is God? What is God? How did the Universe come to be? Moreira weaves his answers into a larger tapestry of personal stories and anecdotes, making God! The Realities of the Creator both engaging and relatable. He concludes by offering an eleventh commandment to deal with complexities of a changing world.

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