God's Rational Warriors di Marion Ledwig edito da De Gruyter
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God's Rational Warriors

The Rationality of Faith Considered


De Gruyter





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Descrizione God's Rational Warriors

This book stands in the tradition of philosophers who advance the rationality of faith. Yet this book goes beyond their accounts, for it not only defends the view that faith can be termed rational, but it also considers the different senses in which faith can be termed rational. While this book advances the idea that faith as a general category can be termed rational, it does not investigate in a detailed way whether there are arguments for the rationality of particular faiths which would go beyond the arguments for the rationality of faith as a general category. Besides discussing whether betting on God in Pascal's wager and believing in miracles are forms of the rationality of faith, I will provide unique solutions to the problem of evil and the paradoxes of omnipotence and omniscience.

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