God's infinitely variable wisdom on the description of the human body di Setondji Gilles Natachar Glele edito da Blessed Hope Publishing
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God's infinitely variable wisdom on the description of the human body

The divine mystery of the human body structure





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Descrizione God's infinitely variable wisdom on the description of the human body

Divinely inspired study of the descriptive wisdom of the human body. A complementary impulse to confirm the working perfection of the Eternal God as it is written: And man was created in the image and after the likeness of God. Indeed, it will be a question through this work, to discover the study reserved for the whole body of Christ in general with a particular look at the person of the servant or minister of God, who represents by mandate, the latter before the lost sheep far from the fold and the working management of those who are already brought back and entrusted to their care, according to the following references:1 Stone: 5 V 2-3: Feed the flock of God which is in your keeping, not by compulsion, but voluntarily, according to God; not for sordid gain, but with devotion.Not as dominating over those which are due to you in share, but as models of the herd.

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