God Hears Your Petty Prayers di Gabriel-Delva Franklyna Gabriel-Delva edito da Xulon Press
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God Hears Your Petty Prayers


Xulon Press





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Descrizione God Hears Your Petty Prayers

God cares about every intricate detail in your life and unfortunately so does the devil. he will use every annoyance, generational curse and learned habit in an attempt to thwart God's purposes for your life. This cannot stand! This book will help spot where the enemy has planted traps and perverted God's plans for your life, personality, and even your destiny. It will help you to overcome these obstacles and start to walk in the God given authority that is yours by helping you to see God's hand in EVERY.SINGLE.DETAIL. Franklyna Gabriel-Delva is a self-proclaimed Petty Spaghetti when it comes to spiritual warfare. She loves Jesus, people and getting on the devil's nerves. She thinks about the author sections are boring but here we are. She's a Brooklyn native, wife, mother, and first time author. In addition to their beautiful daughter, she and her husband Tony are also the proud pet parents of four amazing dogs.

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