God Directs di Luvell Stepter edito da iUniverse
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God Directs

You Sing







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Descrizione God Directs

It's time to stand up! and put in action the direction that God has given us to prosper, live abundantly, and victorious! God Directs, You Sing is a book about going out and getting it done! God has blessed you with everything you need in this life to succeed. From giving us His Holy Spirit, to giving us the abilities in our mind, body, soul and spirit to accomplish them. Why are so many of us unsuccessful in accomplishing certain goals in our lives? Why are we not where we have seen ourselves, in our dreams, visions and desires? There are many factors as to why those things are not prospering or even taking off. The answer lies sometimes closer than we think. Simply put, you! We can't blame God for what we don't do. Many people expect God to do it all for them but that is not the case. God has granted you all the resources, materials and instructions that are needed. It is up to us to go and get it, and follow the Masters Directions and leadership. We must do our part with hard work, sweat and sometimes tears, to reach the level of total walking in the Lords directed path for our lives.

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