The Goal Discussion Guide di Craig Paxson edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Goal Discussion Guide





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Descrizione The Goal Discussion Guide

Early in 2015, I volunteered to lead a reading discussion group at work. The book I chose to read was "The Goal" by Eliyahu Goldratt. I scoured the internet for a reading and discussion guide appropriate for a weekly group session and could not discover any. I found plenty of synopses and some college syllabi, but not any discussion guides. So I decided to create one. This book is the discussion guide I created.Because "The Goal" uses the Socratic Method - "ask - tell - ask", I decided to create the readings in that same method. Each week's reading begins with Alex asking a question of Jonah, then Jonah's response, Alex learning from that answer, and then the next question posed by Alex.The discussion guide is broken into 7 weeks of reading. Each week has questions to be answered by the participants. Some weeks have exercises (for instance, the dice game played on the hike) to further illustrate the concepts discussed in the book. It will be helpful if the leader can customize the discussion questions and exercises to the organization.

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