Go Naked di Michael Smith edito da Dark River
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Go Naked

The Credible Expert: How to Stand Out In Medical Sales, Create More Opportunities, And Grow Your Business


Dark River





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Descrizione Go Naked

The selling environment and role of the sales professional have changed. Forever. Gone are the days when the organisation, the product, or the solutions provided the greatest opportunity for differentiation. Today is no longer about features and benefits, need-satisfaction, or solution selling; it's about the role that the sales professional plays as the single biggest point of differentiation. The Credible Expert provides you, the sales professional, with the second installment of the GO NAKED series, this time with an even more thought-provoking and practical perspective on how to stand out, create more opportunities, and grow your business. It breaks down the steps required for securing opportunities and making sales so that - irrespective of your experience - you will be able to select the right customers, deliver compelling messages, learn how to create personal value and significance, and develop thought-provoking and change-enabling discussions. Everything is geared towards one thing: making you the most successful salesperson possible. Based on the inherent belief that it's the salesperson that makes the biggest difference in delivering successful outcomes, this book will provide you with a step-by-step guide to becoming the Credible Expert in your market. By following its methodology, you will stand out, create more opportunities, and deliver business success.

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