Globalization and the Rise of Ethnic Conflict in Southeast Asia di Jobelle Abaya edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Globalization and the Rise of Ethnic Conflict in Southeast Asia





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Descrizione Globalization and the Rise of Ethnic Conflict in Southeast Asia

Globalization and the Rise of Ethnic Conflict in Southeast Asia (SEA) is an account of how and why ethnic conflicts occur in the region. It intends to fill the gap in the existing literature on the transition period from being a relatively conservative and traditional into being an industrial region. The point that connects these two epochs is where tension and conflicts happen, brought about by the impact of globalization and the reconfiguration in the region's political, economic and social milieu. The ten (10) countries in SEA have been examined and the main argument is that globalization and its homogenizing effect is inevitable but if the mode of governance in the countries of the region is more relevant with the actual situation, then regional stability will be more realistic.

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