Global Governance and the Role of Non State Actors di Bruno Cho Fon edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Global Governance and the Role of Non State Actors

An Examination of Contemporary Challenges to International Relations Theory





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Descrizione Global Governance and the Role of Non State Actors

As international information and communication technology increasingly redefines global issues, the traditional understanding of international political theory is also questioned. In addition,the concept of global citizenship is now a reality with increased participation of citizens across the world through social media outlets and other forms of communication.The Arab Spring was instigated through social media sites. The 99% movement and Occupy Wall Streets protests in the Summer / Autumn of 2011 all provide examples of the increased power civil society now has to challenge the traditional concept of nation-states and 'national citizenship'. In the light of this, the very notion of global governance needs to be interrogated. It is my hope this research project is a start to reconceptualise the issues around global governance, civil society action and the role of governments in the post 9/11 world.

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