Global Feminisms Since 1945 edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Global Feminisms Since 1945





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"Global Feminisms" is an innovative and concise anthology considering the similarities and differences between feminisms in West and East, North and South, and highlighting class, racial, ethnic and imperial tensions and claims in the twentieth century. The contributors analyze the roots, development and, in some cases, the conclusions of feminisms and how they have interacted. From the European and American feminist movements to those in the ex- Soviet Union and women's rights and groups in South Asia, "Global Feminisms" examines the key economic, technological, sexual, reproductive, ecological and political debates. Contributors: " Margot Badron, Saba Bahar, Miriam Chung Yoon Louie, Yvonne Corcoran-Nantes, Mallika Dutt, Sara Evans, Alkarim Jivani, Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira, Sabine Lang, Vera Mackie, Zengie A." "Mangaliso, Wilhemina Odul, Katherine O'Sullivan, Zoreh T. Sullivan, Linda Racioppi, Mary Ann Tetreault."

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