Global Analysis. Studies and Applications II edito da Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Global Analysis. Studies and Applications II





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Descrizione Global Analysis. Studies and Applications II

Cauchy indices and the index of a singular point of a vector field.- Complete integrability with noncommuting integrals of certain euler equations.- Multidimensional parametrized variational problems on riemannian manifolds.- On certain classes of selections of many-valued mappings.- On the spectral synthesis in the spaces of solutions of invariant differential equations.- Topological aspects of geometrical theory of differential equations.- On the principle of the shortest way in the dynamics of systems with constraints.- Stochastic equations and differential geometry.- Fundamental physical equations uniquely determined by their symmetry groups.- Riemannian parallel translation, the ito integral, and stochastic equations on manifolds.- An equivariant analogue of the index of a gradient vector field.- On the topology of invertible linear singular integral operators.- Model equation for dynamics of phase translation.- The destruction of spherical symmetry in non-linear variational problems.

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