Global Airline Industry 2e di Belobaba edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Global Airline Industry 2e





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Descrizione Global Airline Industry 2e

Extensively revised and updated edition of the bestselling textbook, provides an overview of recent global airline industry evolution and future challenges * Examines the perspectives of the many stakeholders in the global airline industry, including airlines, airports, air traffic services, governments, labor unions, in addition to passengers * Describes how these different players have contributed to the evolution of competition in the global airline industry, and the implications for its future evolution * Includes many facets of the airline industry not covered elsewhere in any single book, for example, safety and security, labor relations and environmental impacts of aviation * Highlights recent developments such as changing airline business models, growth of emerging airlines, plans for modernizing air traffic management, and opportunities offered by new information technologies for ticket distribution * Provides detailed data on airline performance and economics updated through 2013

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