The Giving Festival di Cindi G. Brown edito da Just One Voice

The Giving Festival

Murphy Brian




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Descrizione The Giving Festival

It's summertime and Dylan and his friends are dismayed to hear they'll spend their days with the mysterious Mrs. Ticklepenny, a woman who lives in the big Victorian house on the edge of town. To their great surprise, Mrs. Ticklepenny shows Dylan and his friends how to throw a Giving Festival, where they raise money to donate animals to Fridah and her classmates in Chuka, Kenya. What hard work and fun for everyone! When the children in Kenya care for the animals and watch them multiply, they are able to improve their school and save money for school fees. Find out how these children make their lives better and impact both their communities on two continents. You'll meet the real children of Chuka, Kenya, including adorable Baby Moses! What started out as an especially bad summer turns into an adventure Dylan and his friends will never forget. In fact, they'll try to repeat it the next year!!!Proceeds from The Giving Festival will assist Kenyan families.

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