I Give Myself Away di George Pantages edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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I Give Myself Away





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Descrizione I Give Myself Away

Patmos is a small Greek island in the Aegean Sea. It was a death camp of sorts and this is where the apostle John was taken prisoner. Patmos means "my killing." It was a sterile island where nothing would grow. Prisoners were mesmerized by the inability to escape, thus after a period of time most of them became passive. It was under these ungodly conditions that the apostle John wrote the book of Revelation. His captors believed this godforsaken island would woo him into lethargy, but it had the opposite effect. John rose to the occasion and penned a masterpiece that would prepare humanity for the end times."I Give Myself Away" chronicles the lives of those who sacrificed themselves for the cause of Christ. You will come to understand sacrificial living in God's kingdom is not an anomaly, it is par for the course. The question then is, are you willing to GIVE YOURSELF AWAY?

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