Give Me Jesus di Giv Frank edito da Baker Publishing Group
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Give Me Jesus

Gospel-Centered Children's Ministry that Changes Lives





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Descrizione Give Me Jesus

Children's ministry is so much more than childcare. When the good news of Jesus is at the core of everything you do, children's ministry is nothing less than a life-changing encounter with Christ! But how can you keep the gospel front-and-center amid all that demands your attention--crazy (and sometimes chaotic) games and activities, kids with wildly varying needs and abilities, and parents and volunteers who may not know how to put Jesus first, last and always? "Give Me Jesus" brings together children's ministry veterans from across the country to share what they've learned about gospel-centered ministry to kids, youth and families. You'll find practical, flexible strategies to make the good news of Christ accessible to children of all ages and abilities, train volunteers to effectively disciple kids as followers of Jesus, and weave the gospel into every lesson and activity. The gospel is the "power of God for salvation to everyone who believes" (Rom. 1:16). "Give Me Jesus" will help you center your children's ministry on the unstoppable, transformational power of the gospel!

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