The Giraffe That Ate the Moon / Ang Dyirap na Kinain ang Buwan di Aralie Rangel edito da Babl Books Inc.
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The Giraffe That Ate the Moon / Ang Dyirap na Kinain ang Buwan

Babl Children's Books in Tagalog and English

Kwong Alvina




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Descrizione The Giraffe That Ate the Moon / Ang Dyirap na Kinain ang Buwan

"One day I'm going to be so tall, I'll be able to eat the moon!" Sometimes it takes a big change for us to realize what's most important in life. George the giraffe is the shortest giraffe in his herd, but all he wants is to be so tall that he can eat the moon. When his wish comes true, he discovers that being small might not be so bad after all, especially when he begins to miss his family. As your children join George on his journey, they will come to realize the importance of home and loved ones, all while they learn a new language.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 23.09
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