The Gift di Stephen A. Pain edito da iUniverse
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The Gift

A Season of Trial







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Descrizione The Gift

The Edwards family has faced many challenges in their farming community on the prairie. This harvest season is particularly stressful, though, when seventeen-year old Jim, who represents a vital link in the family's economic existence, is drawn to drug usage and other temptations of adolescence. His father, George, hardened through years of financial struggle, is a demanding, persistent man, who presents many challenges for his son. Most of his life Jim has carried responsibilities beyond his years. He struggles to serve all the masters of his domain, and finds himself caught between his conventional family ties and a budding relationship with his new girlfriend, Austaire. He fights new temptations and battles, which rip apart the very threads of his upbringing. An array of irresponsible acts escalates into heightened levels of trouble and results in Jim's disappearance. Drugs are an issue when a dedicated caseworker acts on behalf of her juvenile clients. The Edwards family is distraught over both the sudden disappearance of Jim and an illness leveled upon George. The fates of the Edwards' family will cumulate into the momentous gift on Christmas Day.

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