Gibberellic Acid GA3; for enhanced growth and production of Okra di Abdul Manan, Muhammad Aslam Pervez, Choudhary Muhammad Ayub edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Gibberellic Acid GA3; for enhanced growth and production of Okra





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Descrizione Gibberellic Acid GA3; for enhanced growth and production of Okra

Gibberellic acid GA3 is a naturally occurring growth harmone. It hastens the growth by augmenting cell division. Cell division is facilitated by improved cell membrane elasticity by the application of gibberellic acid. Foliar feeding of gibberellic acid is ideal for plants having indeterminate growth habit in which vegetative and reproductive growth runs simultaneously. Okra is such a plant whose yield potential can be improved by foliar application of gibberellic acid. In addition to this gibberellic acid is an endogenously produced growth substance. So its foliar feeding is totally eco-friendly.

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