A Ghosthunter's Journal di Mason Winfield edito da Rock / Paper / Safety Scissors
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A Ghosthunter's Journal

The Paranormal Detectives in Seneca Country





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Descrizione A Ghosthunter's Journal

Author Ward Courier is a teacher by day. By night, he is a student of the paranormal. His Seneca friend Rick Reynard is a spiritual leader among the Longhouse Nations and a counselor to people of all cultures. As the acknowledged "psychic detectives" of Western New York, the pair are called to consult on many curious cases, some of them unsettling and even desperate. A Ghosthunter's Journal is a selection of their adventures in their home region, the historic territory of the Seneca people. A Ghosthunter's Journal is no collage of TV-style fantasies. The penetrating, step-by-step investigations in "Ghosthunter" are based on actual cases of psychic phenomena whose reality-telekinetic children, prehistoric curses, enchanted artifacts, occult assassins, psychic vampires, and metaphysical war-is wilder than most would think. In all its episodes, A Ghosthunter's Journal simmers with insights from Native supernatural/spiritual tradition-where it all seems to start anywhere on American turf.

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