Getting Results Without Authority: The New Rules of Organisational Influence di Geof Cox edito da BOOK SHAKER
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Getting Results Without Authority: The New Rules of Organisational Influence

The New Rules Of Organisational Influence







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Descrizione Getting Results Without Authority: The New Rules of Organisational Influence

Organisations are changing. The days of top-down authority are gone. More and more managers and leaders are working on projects where no single person is 'the boss'. There is more project working, reorganization, matrix working, flatter structures, contracting and outsourcing. Success now depends on the outputs and cooperation of people who you do not have direct authority over. Faced with this new reality, the most successful managers and leaders are those who can secure and maintain the agreement and cooperation of multiple stakeholders whilst still getting what they want. Successfully completing projects and getting things done will rely more and more on your ability to influence and negotiate rather than your position or rank and this book has been written to show you how. Getting Results Without Authority is a hands-on guide packed with techniques, approaches and exercises to help managers find new and better ways of getting things done, on time and on budget. The main focus of the book is to help you develop approaches where you will get what you want whilst simultaneously building, or at least maintaining, a positive working environment. This will enable you to achieve short term goals without sacrificing future good will.

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