Getting Results PAPER POD di Longenecker edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Getting Results PAPER POD

Five Absolutes For High Performance





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Descrizione Getting Results PAPER POD

Learn How High-Performing Managers Get High-Performance Results What's the difference between organizations and managers that fail and those that succeed? It's simple: successful managers and organizations do a better job of implementing those basic management practices that get results. In this book, Clinton Longenecker and Jack Simonetti draw on the wisdom of over two thousand high-performing managers to show you how to improve not only your own performance but also the performance of the people for whom you are directly responsible. They show how, by building a model of key practices--what the authors call the five absolutes--any manager can elicit high performance and improve results in all areas. With practical tools and step-by-step advice, the authors show how to develop the practices and habits of high-performing managers, including how to Discover the keys to managerial career success and survival Create a focus on results that aligns actions with desired outcomes Equip your operation with the tools, talent, and technology for high performance Learn the practices that create a climate for results Create "people performance power" by nurturing relationships among people Develop specific practices for improving employee, personal, and operational performance

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