Getting Out Of Your Own Way di Nancy Colier edito da Book Case Engine
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Getting Out Of Your Own Way

Unlocking Your True Performance Potential





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The primary obstacle to successful performance of any kind is our own mind. In a clear and compassionate style, Colier shows us how to understand and overcome the psychological barriers that keep us from achieving our full potential. The book demonstrates how to radically change our relationship with negative thoughts, move beyond comparison, self-doubt, and jealousy, and stop chasing a perfect and unattainable future and start living the moment that's here now. Colier presents an "inside-out" approach, and ultimately, teaches us how to build a a strong and reliable core self, from which all performance is born. She offers a ground-breaking new approach to performance, competition, and life. For all types of performers and competitors, this is a truly original manual for becoming our own ally instead of our own enemy. Above all, Colier teaches how to allow ourselves to succeed.

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