Get Kids to Play di Saumil Majmudar, Vijay Krishnamurthy edito da Notion Press Media Pvt. Ltd
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Get Kids to Play

An EduSports tool-kit For Parents and School Leaders



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Descrizione Get Kids to Play

Get Kids to Play is designed like a Swiss knife and is written with two critical decision-makers in mind - parents and school leaders. Both groups want to get the kids to play but often struggle with the "How?" and get bogged down with obstacles. Eventually, the problem snowballs into a classic case of "Everybody's baby is nobody's baby." Similar to a tool-kit, this book has a range of tools, utilities, and practices to negotiate the various challenges. The five chapters, namely Space, Time, Child, Content, and Facilitator, are organized in such a way that readers can jump to their choice of topic based on their needs.

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