Geoinformatics And Data Analysis edito da Springer International Publishing AG
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Geoinformatics And Data Analysis

Selected Proceedings Of ICGDA 2022





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Descrizione Geoinformatics And Data Analysis

This book contains the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis (ICGDA 2022), held in January 21¿23, Paris, France. Geoinformatics helps to support basic scientific inquiry as well as address the complex social and environmental challenges. It becomes very important technology to decision-makers across a wide range of disciplines such as computer science, information technology, software engineering, biogeography, geography, conservation, architecture, spatial analysis and reinforcement learning. The papers included in this proceeding share the latest research results and practical application examples on the methodologies and algorithms in the area of geoinformatics and data analysis, including software and information engineering, environmental geography and geographic information system, which makes the book a valuable reference for researchers, engineers and university students who are working in the field.

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